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Centralized Network

Centralized Network: A network type in which all users connect to a central server, the acting agent for all communications which stores i...

Centralized Network: A network type in which all users connect to a central server, the acting agent for all communications which stores info about conversation, transmission and user accounts. Most public platforms use a centralized network for instant messaging. It is also known as centralized server structure. (Beal, n.d.) Centralized computing network allows all management and computer resources of a central server to be positioned.

Benefits of Centralized Network: It provides more safety and security over decentralized systems, as all processing is governed in a central location. Furthermore, if one terminal stops working, the user can simply go to some other terminal and log in again and, and all files are still easily accessible. They can even resume their session from the point they were before, as if nothing had happened, depending on the system. Almost all data on a centralized network must pass via one place, so tracking and collecting data throughout the network is quite easy.

Constraints of Centralized Network: If the centralized or master server breaks down, the user requests cannot be processed by the individual "client" machines connected to it. They offer limited scalability as well. Since all programs and processing capabilities are stored on a central server, adding more storage, I / O bandwidth or processing power to the server is the only way to scale the network. Lastly, a lack of bandwidth could also be a disability.

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