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Cloud Network

Cloud Network: Cloud network indicates the usage and hosting of one or more network resources and services from cloud. It is analogous noti...

Cloud Network: Cloud network indicates the usage and hosting of one or more network resources and services from cloud. It is analogous notion of cloud computing which demonstrates the access of networking resources from the concentrated third-party arranger or maintainer using Wide Area Networking or Internet-based access technologies. The networks may be one cloud-enabled or the other completely cloud-based. In cloud-based network, the whole network is in the cloud. Whereas in cloud-enabled network, the network is on premises, but some or entire resources used to maintain it are in the cloud. Basically, Cloud computing is of three types as private, public and hybrid cloud computing i.e. shown in the figure below;

Benefits of Cloud Network: Cloud network is available 24 X 7 and is cost efficient because no mammoth costs of hardware is required. There is massive space accessible or available and is Paperless. We can access information from anywhere at any time with high speed in fewer clicks. It is comfortable and easy for data back-up, restore and recovery management. The cloud network services are free from capital disbursement (expenditure).

Constraints of Cloud Network: As cloud network is wholly internet dependent, the entire thing at the cloud is available through internet only. There is chances of service outages and downtime, as cloud network is internet-oriented, issues like services interruption are continually a lousy possibility and can arise for any reason. It is vulnerability to onslaughts, there is a high risk of information extortion and vandalism and also risk of loss of intellectual ownership or property, as sometime even the finest teams experience crucial encroachment or attack and time to time security rift (crack).

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